Sabtu, 24 Juni 2023

Militer Jepang Mempertimbangkan untuk Mengadopsi layanan Satelit Starlink Musk -media

TOKYO - Militer Jepang sedang menguji layanan internet satelit Starlink Elon Musk dengan tujuan untuk mengadopsi teknologi tahun fiskal berikutnya, surat kabar Yomiuri melaporkan pada hari Minggu, mengutip sumber pemerintah yang tidak disebutkan namanya.

Kementerian Pertahanan sudah memiliki akses ke satelit komunikasi di orbit geostasioner, tetapi penggunaan teknologi Starlink, yang dioperasikan oleh SpaceX milik Musk, akan menambah konstelasi satelit di orbit rendah Bumi, kata Yomiuri.

Countries around the world are seeking to build resilience against the risk of jamming of communications or attacks on satellites in the event of conflict.Japan's Self-Defense Forces have been testing Starlink since March with the system deployed in about 10 locations and in training, the newspaper said.Defence ministry spokespeople could not immediately be reached for comment on the report outside business hours.Starlink technology is being deployed by Ukraine on the battlefield, and Russia is attempting to block its use in the region. Musk said in October SpaceX could not afford to indefinitely fund Starlink's use in Ukraine.

The U.S. Defense Department said this month it had contracted to provide Starlink services there.


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